About Wolfdogs
What is a Wolfdog?
A Wolfdog, also referred to as a 'wolf hybrid', is a type of dog that has a wolf ancestor in its family tree. While it is commonly known that all dog breeds have originated from wolves, a Wolfdog has a more recent pure wolf ancestor, such as a great-great-great-grandparent. In comparison, your pet dog may have to trace back hundreds of generations to find a pure wolf ancestor in its bloodline.
It is important to note that modern Wolfdogs are not typically the result of a wild wolf breeding with a domestic dog. Rather, they are the product of multiple generations of Wolfdogs breeding with one another.
It is worth mentioning that there is no strict breed standard for Wolfdogs, as they are typically a mix of wolf and one or more breeds of domestic dog. However, there are a few breeds that are currently in development, such as the Blue Bay Shepherd, Timber Shepherd, Nordic Timber, and Berger Mahigan. These breeds vary in popularity and recognition, but each has their own unique set of standards.
The Wolfdog is typically a crossbreed of a wolf and a Siberian husky, Alaskan malamute, or German shepherd, although it can also be mixed with other breeds. Depending on the breed of dog it is mixed with, the Wolfdog will exhibit behaviors of both a wolf and its companion breed. The wolf part of the Wolfdog's personality tends to be shy around strangers but curious, intelligent, playful, watchful, and energetic. However, they can also exhibit stubbornness, independence, nervousness, aloofness, and affection.
Are your dogs Wolfdogs?
All of our dogs have measurable wolf content and are categorized as "Low Content Wolfdogs". They are legally permitted to be kept as pets in the UK without a special permit.
However, we want to inform our owners that Valkyrie-bred dogs have a measurable amount of wolf content, which may make them illegal in certain countries like Norway and some parts of the US.
Here at Valkyrie, we aim to have litters that are below 20%, which makes them more suitable for a family home and you don't need a special enclosure. Some individuals might need more attention and awareness of owning a dog with a pinch wolf content.
We also have dogs with Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Czechoslovak Vlcak) and/or Saarloos Wolfhound in their mix and got trains from these two breeds. The Czeck. WD tend to be more outgoing and bold as they were trained for the military as working dogs where as the Saarloos tend to be more careful and aloof.
However, we label our dogs Northern Inuit Dogs as that is the breed of Wolfalike Type Dogs we are aiming to breed and a lot of the insurance companies and veterinarians recognise them as a breed, even if the Kennel Club doesn't.
What is a Low Content Wolfdog?
The low-content Wolfdog is the perfect starter animal for those wanting to venture into Wolfdog ownership. They make better companion animals and are easier to manage, easier to socialise and train, and most importantly they are more forgiving than mid or high contents. You can make a mistake and not have to live with the consequences for the rest of the dog’s life. These animals are much more adaptable to urban living and easily fit into an active outdoor lifestyle with you.
They usually love to go for car rides or long hikes with their owners but can be equally happy at the park or sitting at the local coffee shop with you. At home, they tend to be less destructive, and less likely to dismantle the furniture, but that's not always the case. They typically lack the very high prey drive seen in highs and are generally better with smaller pets and children, although no large breed dog should be trusted 100%.
They behave like a super smart dog and look more like a northern breed dog with some slight modifications that don’t quite fit the dog standards. You are more likely to see blue eyes or bi coloured eyes, tall thin ears that lack a lot of fur. Their coat will feel and look more like the dog in the mix with less of the bushiness and a lot less ruff around the head, unless they are a long coat. Their eyes seem to be rounder and a lot more often are brown rather than the almond shaped deep amber we find in wolves, and the tail will hang differently and in some case curl on top of the croup. They will go into heat at any time of year and often have 2 cycles a year. We see a lot of the lows born Aug-Nov and again in Mar-June.
Content is written in partnership with Honiahaka Northern Inuits and Wolfalikes, and used with permission from https://www.honiahaka-northern-inuits.com
Want to know more?
If you like to know more about higher-content wolfdogs we recommend that you visit our friends at Honiahaka.